It was like somebody pricked my heart truly poor when the very first Starbucks in Batangas opened — if only they likewise offer kapeng barako as a tribute to the…
It was like somebody pricked my heart truly poor when the very first Starbucks in Batangas opened — if only they likewise offer kapeng barako as a tribute to the…
After our two-day trip in Iloilo as well as Guimaras, the bad Traveler as well as his bad good friend chose that it was time to head home. however the…
What occurs when you put eight overworked business slaves together on one beach? Riot, maybe. however not when you’re us. in that case, well, nothing much. just a peaceful time…
Bermuda is typically misunderstood as being a part of the Caribbean chain of islands, but actually it’s a British overseas territory located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean! because…
Naše telá sa skĺzli zľava doprava, z jednej strany nášho sedadla na druhú, pretože náš autobus šoféru vzal zdanlivo nekonečné vlasové kolík plnou rýchlosťou. Pokúsiť sa bojovať proti nevyhnutnej nevoľnosti…
Už ste niekedy uvažovali o tom, že by ste si zasiahli reťaze, aby ste si spomenuli na muža, ktorý zomrel pred 1333 rokmi? To môže znieť čudne pre necitlivých Západov,…
„Dobre, vitajte v Caye Caulker. Som opotrebovaný, takže len vložte do tašky do Ya 'Room a robíme da Papawork v Da Mornin. “ To bolo privítanie, ktoré sme dostali, keď…
one of the most fascinating parts about traveling Mongolia is the truth that the people living there are nomadic as well as the land is all Crown owned! Locals (and…
2020 • 6 • 12 Since the COVID-19 danger put our daily lives in disarray, no one has sacrificed a lot more than the healthcare workers who have been battling…
Uverejnené: 29/29/20 | 29. júna 2020 V priebehu rokov som bol na mnohých cestách po USA. Je to zďaleka môj obľúbený spôsob, ako preskúmať krajinu. Najmä jeden štát je najlepší…